Kona Energy is one of the UK’s leading clean energy development companies

The company is focused upon developing grid-scale battery energy storage projects. These flexible assets are key to balancing energy supply and demand and increasing the utilisation of renewable power on the electricity system. Kona Energy are developing a 1000MW portfolio of large scale energy storage projects across the UK.

Image: Neoen

'FES 2022 Leading the Way Scenario’ which has 50GW by 2050

What is battery storage?

Battery storage assets are used to balance supply and demand on the electricity system. By storing electricity during times of high renewable generation and discharging at times of high demand, batteries ensure the lights stay on in a clean and cost-effective manner. They are critical to the UK’s net zero climate ambitions.


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Kona Energy is interested in partnering with landowners looking to increase and diversify their income streams.

What we look for? 2-10 acres of land in close proximity to electricity substations

Lease terms? We offer attractive lease terms for up to 40 years. All leases will be reviewed on an upwards only basis

Costs? We will explore the feasibility of your site at no cost to the landowner and pay all development costs including the planning and grid connection application


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Kona Energy is backed by several highly supportive investors. We are interested in partnering with additional investors who share the company’s mission to deliver the zero carbon future.

Meet the Team

  • Andy Willis


    Andy has been working in the UK energy storage industry for several years. In that time he developed both the UK’s largest battery storage projects and best performing battery storage project. His projects have achieved a number of ‘firsts’ including the first project to secure a Pathfinder contract with National Grid. Andy is responsible for the day to day running of the business.

  • Scott Greening


    Scott has over 10 years experience in the renewable energy sector and is founder of Alto Energy, one of the UK’s leading renewable heating companies. Scott has a first-class BSc in Physics from Imperial College London and is a Chartered Scientist.

  • Rupert Lowe MP


    Rupert is a Director of multiple engineering companies including Lowe & Oliver and Datapath. He has had a highly successful career in finance, politics and was also Chairman of Premier League football club, Southampton FC.



Why Kona Energy?

The Kona Energy management team are highly experienced, having developed several of the UK’s largest and best performing battery storage projects. These projects are owned by both private energy storage companies and publicly listed energy storage funds. 

Who does Kona Energy work with?

Kona Energy works with the UK’s leading energy storage financiers, equipment suppliers and consultants to develop the UK’s optimal battery storage projects.

Why now?

The UK has a legally binding commitment to become net zero by 2050. The deployment of large scale energy storage projects is critical to this commitment , whilst ensuring our electricity system remains affordable and reliable. 

How do battery projects make money?

Battery storage assets generate revenue through arbitraging the value between charging and discharging power. Batteries will charge when there is an abundance of renewable generation and discharge during times of high demand. Batteries can also be paid to increase system resilience through providing frequency response, voltage support and constraint management services.

What do these projects look like?

Battery storage systems are modular and fully integrated within containers which look like shipping containers. There will also be a requirement for ancillary electricity infrastructure, such as a high voltage transformer.

What happens at the end of the lease?

All battery storage equipment will be removed and land returned to its original condition.

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