"Net zero by 2050 is downright impossible without a grid revolution" - ‘Green day’ Industry Reaction

Responding to the British Government’s policy announcements on energy security (30/3/2023), Kona Energy Founder Andy Willis commented:

“The biggest obstacle on our path to net zero remains unmoved. Without significant grid connection reform, vast potential of clean energy development will linger trapped behind red tape and bureaucratic delays.”

“Investment and funding into the industry is not the issue - it’s connecting these projects to the grid where the real frustration lies. Kona has approved battery storage facilities that could be built and pumping power into countless homes in a matter of months, but due to the archaic system that will now take years.”

“It is not uncommon to hear of connection dates in the late 2030s. This is entirely unsustainable to expect international investment to keep coming if it won’t see returns for almost twenty years.”

“The time for consultations and committees is over - the industry needs to see comprehensive and well-funded action to retain trust in the Government’s commitment to net zero. An action plan ‘later this year’ is not good enough.”

“Kona has been in Texas this week for the Energy Storage Summit USA 2023, with plans in place to divert investment from the UK to the US. This is multifactorial, including on the basis of rapid American grid connections and a more favourable investment climate, alongside a willingness from authorities to find reasons to support projects, rather than to delay and obstruct. They are seriously backing their net zero ambitions with the US Inflation Reduction Act. Without a British equivalent, the UK will fall behind.”

“Connection delays imperil the green future. Net zero by 2050 is downright impossible without a grid revolution.”


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